Hi there!
We hope you’re doing well.
This week we are moving towards such a fundamental topic as preparing your speech. This is a pretty broad topic that is why we are going to work on that doing bite-size tutorials and tasks.
We suggest that you go over the course book chapter (chapter 3) and tutorials in this blog, then complete the tasks after each tutorial and post them in your blogs.
Please, email
Yulia if you have any questions or concerns about the tasks (
These tasks are due Thursday, October 18th.
Best of luck
The main idea of preparing a speech can be stated this way:
Don’t start right from the outline.
Most of great writers and speakers point out the importance of thinking over the topic and clarifying the purpose first.
In chapter 3.1. Clarifying Your Purpose in your course books, you are given the following questions to ask yourself before starting a speech:
- Why should I want to talk about this?
- Why should anybody want to listen to me?
- What single message would I want to put across?
- What need in the audience do I want to have satisfied when I have finished speaking?
- When they all walk away what state would I like them to leave in?
Stop for a moment and go over these questions. They may seem basic but you will be surprised how answering these questions helps not only state the purpose of your talk but also give you some ideas on how to structure your speech and what points are crucial to mention.
Imagine you were asked to give a speech on the following topics. Consider the Wh-questions mentioned above to clarify the purpose of each speech. Write down your answers to each question.
Speech 1.
You are a primary school teacher. You should give a speech to your third graders on the following topic: “
Why children should listen to their parents.”
Speech 2.
You are working as a team leader in a summer language camp with high school students from the whole region. On the second day, you are noticing that some guys and girls hesitate to meet new people or make friends within the team. You decide to take action and give a talk to your team stating “
You will learn most from friends that are different from you.”
Speech 3.
You are taking part at 2018 World Champion of Public Speaking “Toastmasters” and you are going to give a speech “
Embarrassing moments make you stronger.”
Once you figured out the purpose of your speech, make sure you set out clear objectives. A goal or purpose may be fairly general, but an objective needs to be specific. In other words, it needs to be measurable and (preferably) quantifiable as well. You might want your audience to buy a product, change their lifestyle, etc. And you would also like to inspire each of them a little.
Watch the following performances and identify the possible objectives each speaker has set.
Ken Robinson “Bring on the learning revolution!” at TED2010
Zifang Su “Turn around”
Matthew McConaughey – winner’s speech at the 86th Oscars in 2014.