Hello everyone,
The semester is almost over so it is the time to wrap up the Public Speaking course. We hope that you guys learned a lot of useful strategies and effective tips for giving a great speech.
We believe it is high time to look back and see where it all started. Yes, we are sure you remember the questionaire you completed at the very beginnging of the school year. This time the questionnaire will help you assess your proficiency in preparing a speech after getting through the Public Speaking course.
Please, complete the questionnaire and post the result in your blogs.
This task is due January, 13th.
Анкета « Ваш профессионализм в создании спича»
Следующая анкета поможет Вам идентифицировать особенности Вашего стиля общения с аудиторией, помогающие или мешающие донести свои идеи до слушателей.
Задание. Вспомните те случаи из вашей жизни, когда вам приходилось выступать перед собравшейся аудиторией. Представьте эти ситуации и прокомментируйте каждое из приведенных ниже утверждений как ''да'', ''нет'', ''иногда''.
1. Во время выступления я обычно стараюсь ''публично мыслить'', чтобы слушатели следили за ходом моих рассуждений.
2. Я знаю, как настроиться и с чего начать создание своего спича.
3. В своих выступлениях я, как правило, сопоставляю противоположные точки зрения, факты, концепции.
4. В процессе аргументации, я обычно ввожу заведомо абсурдное утверждение, приписав его реальному или возможному оппоненту.
5. Я часто применяю проблемную подачу тезиса, например, в форме вопроса.
6. Написав текст выступления, я делаю паузу и возвращаюсь к нему позднее, чтобы взглянуть свежим взглядом и отредактировать.
7. Работая над текстом спича, я использую приёмы для активизации творческого мышления.
8. Для выступления я выбираю наиболее убедительные и красноречивые аргументы, отбрасывая все менее значительное (оптимальное количество аргументов равно 3).
9. Для того чтобы вызвать эмоциональное сопереживание аудитории, я провожу анализ материальных и духовных интересов слушателей.
10. Планируя своё выступление, я знаю, как эффективно простроить работу.
11. Я четко ориентируюсь в системе ценностей конкретной аудитории и апеллирую только к весомым для нее ценностям.
12. Начиная свое выступление, я использую зачин (''крючок'') для активизации внимания аудитории.
13. Уже во вступлении я четко формулирую основную мысль (тезис) моего выступления.
14. В течение всего выступления я несколько раз повторяю тезис (основную мысль).
15. Во вступлении я отвечаю на немой вопрос слушателей ''А какое это отношение имеет ко мне?''.
16. В выступлениях на историческую или биографическую тематику я последовательно перехожу от одной микротемы к другой.
17. С целью активизации мыслительной деятельности слушателей я использую проблемную постановку вопроса.
18. В положительно настроенной аудитории я приберегаю самый сильный и веский аргумент напоследок.
19. В заключении я четко обобщаю все вышесказанное.
20. Я связываю конец моего выступления с началом.
21. При перечислении фактов я использую слова-организаторы: во-первых, во-вторых и т.д.
22. В начале своей речи я использую клише типа ''Для начала…''
23. В конце выступления я использую слова типа ''Подводя итоги…'', ''Суммируя вышесказанное…'' и т.д.
24. В начале моего выступления я называю основные положения, которые я собираюсь развивать в основной части моего доклада.
25. В заключительной части моего выступления я еще раз перечисляю основные положения моего доклада.
26. Если мое выступление является частью серии выступлений по одной теме, то я делаю ссылки на свои предыдущие выступления.
27. Если я собираюсь выступить по этой же теме еще раз, то я непременно упомяну об этом в своем выступлении.
28. В своей речи я прибегаю к различным повторам (тождественным, синонимическим, перифрастическим).
29. Во время выступления я пользуюсь словами типа ''как мы знаем'', ''как мы помним'', ''что мы знаем'' и т.д.
30. Во время выступления я пользуюсь словами типа ''забегая вперед, скажу'', ''как будет указано далее'' и т.д.
31. Для подтверждения высказанных теоретических положений, я привожу фактический материал.
32. В целях экономии времени в течение выступления я подбираю яркие факты, которые могут заменить часть рассуждений.
33. Я подбираю фактический материал таким образом, чтобы он был близок и понятен слушателям, соотносился с их образовательным уровнем и интересами.
34. Я использую примеры из личной жизни, чтобы вызвать эмоциональное сопереживание аудитории.
35. В своих выступлениях я избегаю таких общих фраз как ''некоторое количество'', ''очень многие ученые'', ''большая сумма''.
36. Я всегда использую цифровой материал в сравнении, в сопоставлении с прошлым или планируемым.
37. В ходе выступления я не использую более трех цифр подряд без применения наглядных пособий.
38. Для того чтобы цифры лучше воспринимались на слух, я их округляю.
39. В выступлении я рисую словесные картины, чтобы аудитория не только слышала, но и ''видела'' как разворачиваются перед их мысленными взорами положения моей речи. Для этого я использую такие фразы, как ''Представьте себе, что у вас…'', Предположим, что вы…'' и т.д.
40. В заключительных словах моего выступления, я эмоционально обращаюсь к аудитории.
Добавьте 2 балла за каждый ответ «да»,
1 балл за каждый ответ «иногда»,
0 баллов за каждый ответ «нет».
Подсчитайте общую сумму баллов для всей анкеты.
О чём говорит общая сумма
39 баллов или меньше. У вас обнаружилось несколько барьеров, препятствующих эффек-тивному общению. Их следует устранить, преж¬де чем вы научитесь эффективному общению. Тем не менее, овладев рассмотренными в курсе на¬выками, вы обнаружите, что вам стало легче чет¬ко и убедительно излагать свои мысли — вне за¬висимости от ситуации, в которой вы оказались.
59 — 40 баллов. Вы встречаетесь с определен¬ными трудностями при попытке донести свои идеи до собеседника. Работая над изложенными в курсе приемами, Вы устраните эти препятствия и усилите позитивные стороны Вашего стиля общения.
69 — 60 баллов. Несмотря на определенные барьеры на пути к эффективному общению, эта сумма баллов свидетельствует о прочном фундаменте знаний и навыков, на который Вы сможете смело опираться.
80 — 70 баллов. В Вашем стиле общения больше позитивных, чем негативных моментов, и в любых ситуациях у Вас возникает немного проблем при изложении своих мыслей. Используйте рассмотренные в курсе приемы для совершенствования своих и так превышающих средний уровень навыков.
NSPU Public Speaking Course
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Homework Assignment for the Intership
Hello students,
We are still reading and grading the posts you published this week. Hopefully, you'll get you comments this weekend. Thank you for your hard work, I knew you could do it.
Also, I know your intership is coming. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it and learn something new. Anyway, consider completing the following tasks soon.
We are still reading and grading the posts you published this week. Hopefully, you'll get you comments this weekend. Thank you for your hard work, I knew you could do it.
Also, I know your intership is coming. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it and learn something new. Anyway, consider completing the following tasks soon.
- Complete challenge #5 and publish the report in your blog (This task is due Thursday November, 15th).
- Finish your final persuasive speech and publish it in your blog (This task is due Saturday December, 1st).
See you soon
Writing a Speech: Editing and Proofreading
You did
very well on completing last week’s tasks. Out of sight!
are almost about to wrap up this short course on writing a speech, so this week’s
tutorial is the last. (However, you are still going to keep working on your
final speech, challenges, etc.!)
goal for this week is to sum up what you have learned at this course, i.e. the speech
structure, the speech purpose and objectives, and creative ideas to make the
speech juicy.
As usual, please, email Yulia if you have any questions or concerns about the tasks. (irychkov@go.olemiss.edu).
These tasks are due Thursday, November 15th.
Best wishes
These tasks are due Thursday, November 15th.
Best wishes
Once you figure out the topic, the purpose, the objectives, and the
objectives of your speech as well as come up with good ideas to implement in
your speech, you can finally start writing your speech.
The recommended steps are:
- write a rough draft
- refine your draft, adding illustrations and changing words
- rewrite it into spoken English, shortening sentences and changing words
- rehearse the speech aloud, timing it
- make alterations to fit the time slot.
I can’t tell if there is a limit for possible corrections. My experience shows
that there is always something that can be altered or improved in a text. Anyway,
it’s fine to be a bit of a perfectionist while editing the speech.
Definitely, every author and public speaker also has their own secrets
for polishing the text. For example, Stephen King in his book “On Writing” emphasizes,
“the adverb is not your friend.” In fact, he believes that “the road to hell is
paved with adverbs” and compares them to dandelions that ruin your lawn.
Adverbs are worst after “he said” and “she said” — those phrases are best left
unadorned. You should also pay attention to your paragraphs, so that they flow with
the turns and rhythms of your story. “Paragraphs are almost always as important
for how they look as for what they say,” says King.
The more you write the more ideas and tricks you will work out.
For now, consider the rules in chapter 5.2. Learning the Golden Rules of Speech Writing in your course book and complete the following task.
Here is a speech draft written by Denis, a student who is taking Public speaking course this semester. He knows there is a lot of room for improvement in his speech. Help Denis to edit and polish his speech, applying all the writing strategies you know. Don’t hesitate to re-write the whole sentence or even paragraph if needed. Publish the final version of the speech in your blog. Highlight your additions and corrections in red.
Things to consider:
- 3-part speech structurу
- Strong introduction (attention-getter, topic sentence, etc.)
- Clear, well-structured body
- Inspiring conclusion (summing up the arguments, call for action, etc.)
- Connectors and transitions
- Correct grammar and vocabulary
Why You Should Exercise
Hello! I believe exercise really helps you get organized. It also
helps you to keep yourself in a healthy physically and mentally. Let’s see why
it is so. When you are a lazy person, it is difficult to take
the first step, but it is all a matter of committing yourself to something that
will provide you a lot of positive feedback. Once you start doing exercise and
observing positive results, you actually enjoy it. It takes a lot of effort and
strong will, but it's worth it. The principal thing to do is to participate in
an activity you like. If you start organizing your day, you will no
longer be a person stressed-out without time to carry on with all your
activities. Also, it is obvious that once you exercise you will have a better
condition. You will be healthier in a physical way. It is probable that you
will lose weight and your muscles will get stronger and stronger. Your body
will feel good, full of energy and it will respond immediately to any action
you want to do, any activity that has to be done with high spirits. Exercising is good is that it affects you positively
in a mental and psychological way. Doing exercise helps you set specific goals
which can be achieved. You become aware of your abilities, accept your
weaknesses, and your self-esteem goes up. Any sport helps you not to think
about school, friends, problems, among other things. It brings you time to
think about yourself and no one else. It helps you keep your mind busy and to
avoid dangerous habits like drugs. Doing exercise is very important to any person of any
age. When exercise, you start living your life happily.
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Homework Assignments for Friday Class
Hello students,
The long weekends are coming! Have a break but make sure you have the following tasks done for Friday, November, 9th.
1. Complete challenge #4. Then writing a report, you should use an attention-getter in the introduction. We encourage you to try and use a quote. For that consult your course book, exercises 5 and 6 at pages 31-32.
The next tasks focus on your final persuasive speech.
2. Implement one of the creative writing methods we were talking about to come up with ideas for your final speech. Describe the ideas you have generated and also upload a photo of your creative process (for example, a mind map or the six thinking hats ideas drawn in your notebook).
3. Write a research plan (5 steps) and post it in your blog (see task 4 p.31 in your course book). Mind that one of the required steps is watching a news report or reading a newspaper article.
4. Write the introduction for your persuasive speech using at least one of the attention-getters.
5. Make a file (a hardcopy and/or a digital one) where you are going to collect all the materials for your final speech. Bring it to the next class with all the mentioned materials done; we are going to discuss them.
Sorry guys, apparently, you have to be multitasking this week. Let this Indian sculpture give you inspiration and power.
Have a good week
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Tasks for the Upcoming Week
Dear students,
I hope you are doing well.
Here is a saying I heard the other day, "The grass is greener where you water it."
I beleive nothing good happens by itself. On the contrary, everything needs to be cultivated.
Once you start thinking that you can do better, then you begin building something really big and prominent.
With this inspiring idea, I want to introduce you a few tasks for the upcoming week.
1) Complete challenge #3 and post a report in your blog.
2) Come up with a topic for your final persuasive speech. Write down the purpose and set out the objectives. Share your ideas in your blog.
These tasks are due Sunday, October, 28th.
Have a good week
I hope you are doing well.
Here is a saying I heard the other day, "The grass is greener where you water it."
I beleive nothing good happens by itself. On the contrary, everything needs to be cultivated.
Once you start thinking that you can do better, then you begin building something really big and prominent.
With this inspiring idea, I want to introduce you a few tasks for the upcoming week.
1) Complete challenge #3 and post a report in your blog.
2) Come up with a topic for your final persuasive speech. Write down the purpose and set out the objectives. Share your ideas in your blog.
These tasks are due Sunday, October, 28th.
Have a good week
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Challenge #2
Hey guys!
This week's task is to complete challenge #2 and publish a report in your blog.
Enjoy the weekend!
The task is due Sunday, October, 21st.
This week's task is to complete challenge #2 and publish a report in your blog.
Enjoy the weekend!
The task is due Sunday, October, 21st.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Heuristic Methods and Creative Writing
Dear students,
This week we are going to introduce you a few heuristic methods (from the word “Eureka!”) that you can use to create a neat speech.
Go over the activities and complete the tasks in red.
Post the completed tasks in your blogs.
We hope you will find these techniques helpful and worth using.
These tasks are due Thursday, October, 26th.
This week we are going to introduce you a few heuristic methods (from the word “Eureka!”) that you can use to create a neat speech.
Go over the activities and complete the tasks in red.
Post the completed tasks in your blogs.
We hope you will find these techniques helpful and worth using.
These tasks are due Thursday, October, 26th.
The two warm ups we will do, are the "One letter," exercise and the "Random word," exercise:
- One letter
Think about a letter and name as many objects as possible that start with this letter.
For example, C - computer, course book, case, cucumber you just had for lunch, etc.
You can play this game with your co-workers, and if everyone thinks of ten words then you're all winners.
Now it is your turn. Pick a letter a write down 10 words.
- Random words
- Go to the website https://www.textfixer.com/tools/random-words.php
- Generate 5 random words at Random Generator List.
- Pick a few random words and try and tie them together in the most imaginative way possible.
Write a paragraph using 5 words generated words. Highlight these words in the text.
After this, you are ready for the following creative writing prompts:
I. What if…
Imagine a problematic situation and think of possible (or impossible) solutions.
For example, “What if you are in the shower, you have shampoo in your hair, but suddenly the water in the whole building was turned off?” - I’ll melt ice cubes from the fridge in the microwave to rinse my hair.
Here is another one for you to practice this activity:
What if there were no desks in the classrooms, but only beanbags? Write down 7 ideas.
II. Six Thinking Hats
To formulate ideas for your speech. First, create a topic sentence, then challenge your brain to think in six different directions. Make notes while considering the following "thinking hats," as points to use in your future speech.
White thinking hat. This hat covers facts, figures, information needs, and gaps.
Red thinking hat. This hat covers intuition, feelings, and emotions. The red hat allows the thinker to put forward an intuition without any need to justify it.
Black thinking hat. This is the hat of judgment and logic. It is used to point out why a suggestion does not fit the facts.
Yellow thinking hat. This is the hat of optimism. Why something will work, and why it will offer benefits.
Green thinking hat. This is the hat of creativity, alternatives, proposals, provocations, and changes.
Blue thinking hat. This is the hat of overview, and analysis. In technical terms, you look over your final product and see if it makes sense.
Use this method to come up with ideas for the speech “How many foreign languages should be taught to students in school?”
Formulate a topic sentence and simply describe the ideas that each hat helped you to generate.
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